In Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy, we look for the maintaining factors for the habit and search for possible opposing, healthier habits we can encourage. We also work heavily with mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and awareness exercises.
Habits are fascinating processes that our brains have devised so we would not have to think about what to do in every situation: we can simply act. Habits are formed consciously or subconsciously, often based on the behaviours of others around us.
Through repetition, and as a result of a sense of immediate relief, the habit or behaviour (think of nail-biting, hand-washing, skin-picking) becomes established as an instinctive, subconscious reaction, often triggered at times of stress.
When a habit or behaviour has negative effects, it can be altered to something more positive. One of the keys to transformation is understanding the unconscious nature of habitual responses.
Hypnotherapy can assist you in becoming more aware of the habit: its sources, how it makes you feel, and its consequences.
We can then start building more control over thoughts, emotions, and behaviour, becoming more and more aware of what is happening, thus enabling us to overcome old habits.
Sometimes finding a healthier substitute habit is needed, but this is not always the case.
This habit reversal/substitution would be combined with a focus on critical connected topics such as better stress and anxiety management and increased self-efficacy and control.