Hypno therapy is an advance form of treatment that works extremely well in wide range of health and psychological conditions.
It is a simple common sense therapy which helps generate positive thinking and prioritize goals of life by overcoming habitual feeling and behaviour.
It usually requires only a few sessions that is much less than psychological counselling which has a long lasting effect.
Hypnotherapy is effective in following health conditions:
Hypnotherapy is effective in following health conditions:
Yes, it is 100% safe. No one can make you agree to do anything against your will during a therapy session. You cannot remain in a hypnotic ‘trance’ for a longer period. It has no relation with hypnotic comedy shows on stage. Hypnotherapy is recognized by British Medical Association, American Medical Association, American Psychological Association (for Obesity) and NICE Guidance (for IBS) used by the NHS.
It never happens because you are always awake and in full control.